
Picture a natural park set on three hundred acres of forest land, nestled between rolling hills and a large, sparkling, spring-fed mountain lake. Our waterfront extends close to a half-mile along Center Lake.

Within this beautiful setting you will find a combination of well-maintained traditional fields and courts, and state-of-the-art facilities and equipment.

  • 22,000 square foot indoor field house
  • 15 Tennis courts (8 lit for night play)
  • 9 Basketball courts (7 lit for night play)
  • 5 Baseball fields (1 lit for night play)
  • 3 Soccer fields
  • 2 100-yard Flag Football fields
  • Regulation in-line hockey rink (lit)
  • Lacrosse field
  • 12 golf hitting cages & a putting green
  • An 8 acre on-campus nine-hole executive golf course
  • Two climbing walls
  • Zip line
  • Low and high ropes courses
  • State of the art weight room for older campers & staff
  • Two indoor social halls
  • 3000 square foot indoor art facility
  • Indoor and outdoor theater
  • Archery range
  • Ga-Ga pavillion (lit and covered)
  • Nature center

In addition to our beautiful camper and staff cabins, Greylock has a dining hall, social hall, health center, indoor and outdoor theatres, indoor movie spaces, and an arts studio.

Our most recent major project was a Field House, equipped with four new indoor basketball courts, retractable baskets, bathrooms, and a conference room. Occupying 22,000 square feet, it is the largest recreational field house of any residential sports camp of our kind.

Greylock is committed to expanding and improving our program and facilities, and we believe we have the finest facility in private camping.

Boys have plenty of room to run and play at Greylock.

Our large campus affords us the opportunity to do a great deal of adventure oriented activities on our grounds.

Our 300 acre facility includes three outpost sites for overnights, many campfire areas, numerous hiking trails, and six exceptional mountain biking trails.


Over the past decade, Greylock has undergone a significant bunk renovation program, adding new windows, floors, roofs, walls, cubbies, and ceilings to every cabin. The cabins also have renovated bathrooms and new beds. Each cabin has exhaust fans that run on a temperature gauge that click on at 68 degrees to blow hot air out and keep the bunk cool.

Take a tour

A summer visit is the best way to truly appreciate the beauty and quality of Greylock’s facilities.

Contact us to schedule

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